The Importance of Business Emails to your Business
It’s just possible that you don’t have enough knowledge about this business e-mail education and you may be thinking that what is the importance of using e-mails with the name of your business or your company? Why is there a disadvantage if you use regular e-mails with regular extensions like or or
Or have you ever seen an email (Probably you are using it) with a combination of letters and numbers, for example, your customers will really care if you have an email address of or Now Pridemax Africa is an Information Technology company in Tanzanian that enables you to own and use Business emails at a very cheap price and we would like to inform you that in this digital world when you have a professional business e-mail, you build trust in your business and you look very smart.
You are probably still wondering what “Business Email” is, if you look at the example above, the example of the email of shows the full name of the person and there is a company domain. This means that you don’t make people see another name different from your real name, thus giving them different perspectives when it comes to business (Honesty) and that’s where Pridemax Africa brings you what you need where you are.
How do you get a Business Email?
How to get it is very easy, all you have to do is Buy a Domain name or if you already have a domain name, we will provide you with a storage (server) of up to 10GB for each e-mail and at least 10 e-mail accounts.
If you are still not sure about the importance of “Business Email”, here are five basic reasons why you should have a special email for your business.
1. Showing Professionalism;
“Business Email” shows that your business is established and is run with high professionalism, but it also shows that you are serious about your business and it will always be there. With a normal email, you give customers doubts if the business is really legitimate and you have experience.
2. Building the Big Picture;
A generic email can show that your business is new or small. With a special email, it creates an image that your business is big and gives it the appearance of a company. Also, creating email addresses for different groups in your business such as,, will strengthen your business.
3. Building trust and faith;
In recent years there has been an increase in online theft, so many customers are free to send personal information to e-mails such as, but when you have a special e-mail address for your business, you give the customer a sense of security and certainty for customers to be Your business is legitimate.
Are you ready now to get your Business email accounts to show professionalism, build trust and loyalty to your customers? Contact us through our Contact page or call +255 766632744 or write us a request for this service to